Remember Your Nature
Individual Self-Knowledge and Healing Accompaniment of the Sacred Feminine and Masculine.
This is a process of deep Self-Knowledge and Healing for women and men.
We live in a world polarized in the wounded masculine energy that makes us constantly live in our mind, always in action, disconnected from ourselves, from our natural cycles and rhythms, from our needs and purpose. Without time to look inside ourselves, scare of our shadows, with no rest or time to just be in silent...
This is a process to re-signify and remember who we are, our purpose and to remember that we are Nature. And like Nature, we have cycles and rhythms with different needs, potentialities and capacities that change, and that we will listen to again, to adapt our "external" life to them and not the other way around. It is a process to reconnect with our intuition and internal guidance, remembering that no one knows better than us what is best for us. We will bring the focus from the external to our internal centers again, to find the balance, clarity and guidance that we need at every moment. We seek reconnection with our bodies, our senses, sensuality and sexuality, and all those parts of ourselves that we have repressed and hidden, to remember ourselves as complete again and to be able to relate from that completeness and not from a space of need or scarcity.
We will recover, explore and reintegrate the feminine energy within us and its qualities: intuition, compassion, vulnerability, darkness, rest, silence, movement, surrender, receptivity… discovering the expression of our feminine side and bringing healing to our masculine energy, recovering the balance and integration of both within us.
This is a process in which the important thing is not WHAT we do, but HOW we do it. And it is through the feminine energy and its qualities that we will explore what brings us to this process and remember those internal resources that allow us to apply it to our daily life.
Each person is different and is at a different moment in their personal and spiritual development journey, and for this reason, this process is personalized. It will be guided and focused on your intention to begin this process, on your needs and on what arises in the sessions that will be the wisdom and guide of your own soul. The sessions are experiential and I will combine my own experience, knowledge and intuition to accompany you on this journey with different techniques or modalities such as:
Alchemical Breathing: It is a very transformative and deep breathing system created by my teacher Sajeeva Hurtado, that combines breathing, movement and guided meditation. In this system we come into contact with our sexual, heart and consciousness energy, putting them in movement, moving what is blocked and/or available in our body, and putting it at our service to alchemize (create something new from what was already there) healing what is necessary and manifesting the purpose of our life. Healing of Uterine Memories: Every person comes into this world through a uterus, and in the uterus we preserve the memories of our lineages, ancestors, our intrauterine life (conception, gestation and birth), and all the memories from the moment we are born until the present, which will condition or shape our life and relationships. That is why, sometimes we can experience emotions, conditions and symptoms (endometriosis, PCOS, menstrual pain…), blockages, patterns and programs… that may be related to our transgenerational wounds, the relationship with our parents, our intrauterine life, our childhood, or with other traumas or memories that we store from our life experience up to this point. To heal, we can access these internal memories and make the necessary internal movements that allow us to reorganize, re-signify the information, and take our position in our lineage, bringing healing and liberation to our life. Meditation: With meditation we try to bring ourselves back to the present moment, to our lives, to our bodies, to whatever we are experiencing. And to do this, we can understand meditation as a form of consciousness and full presence that we can apply to every moment of our life… turning our life into meditation. For me, meditation is not just sitting in silence and clearing our mind, but cultivating that ability to be present and aware in our daily lives, whether in silence, walking, cooking, dancing, with friends, etc. Thus, we will explore meditation in this process, as well as with guided meditations with different intentions. Dance and Movement: We live in our minds most of the time and our bodies and movements have been conditioned by our sex, gender, culture, etc. For me, dance and movement are a powerful and simple way to return to the body, to recover the Nature of our movements, our unique expression, to break the armors that limit us, to remember that we are free, to expand ourselves by freeing ourselves from the tension that we unconsciously carry most of the time. Tantra: Tantra are techniques that allow us to remember and find our truth. They are techniques that lead us to the dissolution of duality to return to unity, to reintegrate all those parts of ourselves that we have forgotten and repressed. Tantra is the death of all that we are not in order to give birth to ourselves complete and integrated. Therefore, this process is a tantric process in itself, and in turn, we will use Tantra techniques (movement, breathing, meditation, body awareness...). Medicinal Plants or Yoni Eggs: The process with plants or Yoni Eggs can be done independently or combined with this process. So, if working with plants or yoni egss resonates with you as a form of healing and self-knowledge, I invite you to read “The Journey into the Unknown” or “Remember Your Priestess” to understand what they consist of and how they could complement this process. In addition to these techniques, we can use oracles, sacred sexuality practices, art therapy, smudging, psychic abilities… to accompany and guide you on this path, always following the needs of your own process.
Are you willing to take responsibility for your emotions, your life, and begin or continue the path towards Awakening and Transformation?
You feel stuck in some area of your life or in your life in general (a job, a relationship, a family situation...)
If you find yourself without direction and/or lost and need clarity and strength to continue on your path.
You feel drained, tired, unmotivated in life, without energy…
You feel the pressure to always be available, always living for the outside, or for other people, pressuring you to do things that don't really make you happy.
Self-demand, perfectionism, guilt, and shame are part of your life.
You have conditions or symptoms in your physical body: endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, menstrual pain, infertility, erectile dysfunction....
You want to reconnect with your creativity and creative energy
You want to discover what your gifts are, and your purpose
You want to improve your relationship with yourself, cultivate self-love and compassion, and recover your intuition.
You want to reconnect with Nature and with your Nature, with your body, your cycles, your rhythms and be more compassionate and respectful with them.
You want and need an individual process to be able to work in depth on certain aspects.
There are at least 12 weekly sessions of between 1 and 2 hours, in person or online. It will be a safe and completely confidential space, without judgment and respecting your rhythms and needs. Everything proposed in the process will be precisely proposals, promoting internal listening and only exploring or testing what resonates with you.
This is a slow and subtle process, and at the same time very transformative and profound, which will continue to manifest its effects in your life even after the sessions have ended. Sometimes we will be able to understand with the mind the changes or transformations we are experiencing and other times not… And that is okay, since this is how the feminine energy acts and how we can trust and surrender to it. Therefore, that “not knowing” with the mind will also be part of the process, and we will begin to understand from the body as well.
And since I know it is difficult to understand all of this just by reading the information, I invite you to book a free session with me so we can get to know each other, we can share what you are looking for, what I can offer you, and so you can experience my practice and decide from experience if this is something that can help you in your process at this time.
With much love,