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Remember Your Nature

Paula Arranz
Coach and Facilitator of  Sacred Feminine, Womb Healing, Tantra and Sacred Sexuality 

About me


I was born in Spain and currently live in Kenya, the Land that adopted me 8 years ago and helped me remember myself.

I am a lover of Nature and since I can remember, I have been a feminist and activist for women's rights, social transformation, justice and equality in different areas. My attention was always on external and collective change.


However, the external “fight” I was involved in, was only a reflection of my internal fight and disconnection with myself, my feminine energy, and the body I inhabit as a woman. My sexuality and my body were showing it to me through physical and emotional disharmonies. And it is no coincidence that I had distanced myself from Nature as I became an adult.


My awakening and path of healing began when I felt the deep call of Nature again 13 years ago.


And after more than 10 years working in social intervention and international cooperation,  using my work as an escape, to "fight" against everything and everyone, I needed to give myself space and take responsibility.

I was left in emptiness, in uncertainty, in darkness... and in that space is where I began to connect with my body, my cycles, my femininity, my sexuality, taking responsibility for my emotions and healing the relationship with myself; Integrating those parts of me that, like Nature, were devalued and oppressed. 


In this process, teachers also appeared who accompanied me along the way and helped me remember. 

I was certified as a Life Coach, I trained as a Menstrual and Integral Masculine Cyclicality Therapist, I was Certified in the Ovarian Breathing, Feminine Alchemy system, and Alchemical Breathing, Sacred Sexuality. I trained as a facilitator of Uterine Memories Healing and Female Sexuality. I began to study medicinal plants and my connection with Nature and the animal world became more and more essential in my life. I connected with spirituality and discovered Tantra, which for me defines my entire path of Integration, dissolution of my duality and internal fight, and reminds me that I am one, with myself, with Nature and with the Whole.

Connecting with my feminine energy, helped me bring back qualities such as compassion and softness, which in turn helped me heal my wounded masculine energy, accept it, embrace it, integrate it and consummate the sacred marriage of both energies within me.


And so, from my own personal path, and without planning it, more than 4 years ago, I began to share and accompany women, and increasingly men, in their processes of self-knowledge and healing. 

In these processes, through their own experience in the body, they can surrender to themselves, accept and integrate all parts of themselves, connect with their creativity, their heart and expand consciousness. They may stop identifying with their story, and instead use it as ingredients for Alchemy. Remembering YOUR truth, your Desires, your Purpose and opening to life.

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Blog Mujer Naturaleza

Here you will find information, tools, different techniques, tips, experiences and more!

And if you subscribe here below, you will receive my newsletter with more valuable information, offers and news and also, a FREE EBOOK about Self Knowledge and Femenine Ciclicality with tools and practices proposed, and a moon chart to keep records and track your cycle!

Thanks for joining me!

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One on one process on Self-knowledge and Sacred Feminine Healing

One on one process with Medicinal Plants

Remember your Priestess

One on one process with Yoni Eggs

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A 6-week In-Person Healing Journey of the Sacred Masculine and Feminine, on Fridays starting February 21st 2025

7-week Online Course, on Sundays starting December 1st 2024

International In-Person Retreat from June 14th to 22nd, 2025 with optional 3-day safari in Watamu and Tsavo East - Kenya



"I was unconsciously immersed in masculine energy, a full schedule, meetings every half hour, focused on goals, numbers and a very fast-paced life ... But always waiting for my session with Pau to arrive. That invited me to stop, to silence myself, listen to myself, connect with my essence, to realize where I was and where I wanted to be ... That is the Pau, the one that makes me come back to myself, balance my energies and listen to my heart. "

Maida Ulloa
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