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How I found my purpose in life

Are you angry because you think that life is more than work and yet it is what you spend the most time in your life in? Do you like your job, but would you like to have more time for yourself? You think that life is something else but you don't know what?

I believe that everyone has a purpose in life, and has different gifts to carry out that purpose in life. And at the same time, I believe that very few people really manifest that purpose and use those gifts in their lives.

Most of us are born, study, worry about finding a job (and never miss it), start a family and die. And it is not that I am saying that this is wrong, but that we assume this is life and we do not open ourselves to anything else.

We try to control everything that happens in our life, when if we could do the experiment of letting ourselves go without being dragged by our controlling mind, perhaps we would be surprised by everything that happens, and all the opportunities that show up.

Let me tell you my story very briefly. I studied social work, because I was good at listening to people and I liked working with people. For 10 years I worked in the institutionalized world of the social field and I was never satisfied with how the work was done, with the understanding of those jobs, what was promoted, how the people with whom we worked were treated, etc ... and I always tried to change things. That's why I was in the workers' union, I went to all the demonstrations, marches, to all the strikes, and a long etc.

None of this made me feel better, on the contrary, I was increasingly angry with the world and blamed everyone for my frustration and helplessness. I loved spending time with the people I worked with, but I ended up not enjoying my work and I used to finish my days without energy.

One year and a half ago, I decided to take responsibility for what was manifesting in my life and try to stop changing others and their projects, and dedicate time to myself and discover who I really was and my purpose in life.

So I dedicated myself to work on myself, self-knowledge, trying different things, recovering others that I loved when I was little, and so I ended up studying Life Coaching just with the idea of ​​continuing to work on and getting to know myself. What I could never imagine is that, by doing my internships, I would discover a perfect tool to manifest my purpose ... accompany other women in their process of self-knowledge and connection with their nature as the one I find myself in.

At the same time I began to focus on female self-knowledge, on sexuality, being a woman, feminine nature, from a perspective of experimentation and exploration in myself ... and I discovered that many other women wanted and sought this connection.

So, without thinking or planning, things began to align, to appear in my life, and I just had to make the decision to take the opportunity, to try, to flow and see where it led me.

It is not that I have reached any final goal and already know my purpose and all my gifts, but of course I have the intuitive certainty that I am on the right track. And I know this, because I no longer lose energy after working with other women in my sessions or workshops ... I come out more energized and I know I´m still contributing to make a change which has started with a change on myself.

I say goodbye encouraging you to open up to the flow of life, to take the opportunities that are presented to you, which may seem that they have nothing to do with what you want or expect, but you never know where it may lead you. It is the magic of nature and the Universe ...

I send you a hug full of purpose!

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